2024 RSR Elite Girls Camp Application Fee

Thank you for your interest in joining the RSR Elite Racing Team!

This application has two steps:

1. You must first pay our application fee; and 

2. You must complete (in its entirety) the application that you will be directed to after paying the fee. This will be on the THANK YOU PAGE so do not shut that down and be sure you do not have any blockers on your browser.

If you have an udpated 2K time to share with us or a new tape to share, please email Coach Jackie directly (jackie@readysetrow.com).

The ATHLETE needs to fill in this application. It has required fields and they will not be able to submit it until all fields are completed. 

The application requires rowers to paste a LINK to a rowing video and coxswains to paste a LINK to a race recording. Do NOT paste a link to a practice - this must be a sprint racing piece.

The application requires the athlete to respond to thoughtful questions so that we can get to know you, your goals and your barriers. You should budget 10-15mins to finish it. 

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