Why RSR and not a Crew Team?

"Holly why did you decide to start Ready Set Row instead of coach a team?"                                  - RSR Winter Training Athlete

First, let me tell you that YOU ARE MY TEAM! And I mean that sincerely. All of the athletes that I coach and mentor are MY TEAM. I am invested in you, I care about you and I am going to work my tail off to help you get where you want to go. So now that I am clear...

The reason that I am not the Head Coach of a physical crew is because I want to spend more time changing lives than managing the business of a physical crew. I want to coach and mentor and I do not want to worry about fundraising, equipment management and athletic departments. Truly, my "why?" for Ready Set Row is that I am driven and impassioned to change peoples' lives and I know that I can do it with rowing. (If you haven't watched Simon Sinek's TED presentation on this, it's worth the 20 minutes). 

I still love coaching on the water and I LOVE ruffling feathers at races with under-dog teams or teams that are not as well known; this is why I started the Ready Set Row Summer Development Camp.

I also have two young children and an amazing husband and I value spending quality time with them. If I were to run a year-round program (high school or college) I would want to do everything I could possibly do to make them as fast as they can be. And if you really do that, the time commitment is through the roof. So I took a good hard look at how I could impact lives and still do all the things I love to do, and still prioritize my family. And here we are. 

I LOVE what I do and I am excited to do this for a long time.  

Thanks for the question!

Love the Fight, 

Coach Holly

Staying Motivated & Focused
RSR Blog Series: Inside College Rowing


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